Truly Texas Mexican, The Movie

Truly Texas Mexican, The Movie

“Truly Texas Mexican”

 a documentary feature film

The Native American roots of Texas Mexican food serve up
tacos, feminism and cultural resistance

Based on the best-selling book, “Truly Texas Mexican: A Native Culinary Heritage In Recipes” by Adán Medrano, published by Texas Tech University Press.

Premieres March 21, 2021
on Amazon, Google TV and Apple TV

Over time and during conquest, Texas Mexican food sustained Native American memory and identity. Cooking foods like nopalitos, deer, mesquite and tortillas, indigenous women led the cultural resistance against colonization.

It’s the “comida casera,” (home cooking) of contemporary Texas Mexican American families. Comida casera was made famous in the late 1800s by indigenous businesswomen, chefs, who operated outdoor diners in downtown San Antonio. Later dubbed “Chili Queens,” the chefs were harassed and forced out of business, victims of racism.

But other women followed in their footsteps and now tell their story. The road movie weaves through Texas cities, naming the racism that erased Native American history and celebrating the food that kept alive the community’s living memory and heritage. Chefs, artists and community leaders open up about intimate food experiences that shape who they are today.

Food narrates who we are and constructs new ways of understanding what it means to be “American.” Texas Mexican food offers a new type of cultural encounter. One of understanding, building a table where ALL ARE WELCOME.

DURATION: 90 minutes
PRESENTED BY: The Texas Indigenous Film Project

PRODUCTION TEAM: An international Texas-Latin America collaboration:
Executive Producer, Writer, Adán Medrano, his work has been featured in The New York Times , The Washington Post and The Houston Chronicle.

Producer Virginia Díaz, her list of Feature Film and Television credits include: “Selena,” “The Chase,” “Rushmore,” and others.

Director, Anibal Capoano, his documentary films involve communities in the making, his most recent, the award-winning, “Caballitos De Lata”

Cinematographer, Gabriel Bendahan , his work in documentary and feature film-making has won awards and praise at festivals worldwide

Editor, Bill Moore, his work in feature film editing has garnered awards and include “Hubble-Secrets” for the Discovery Channel, “Darkness into Light”for PBS

Sound, Scott Szabo, his award-winning work on feature films and television shows include “Sanitatum” and “One Crazy Christmas”

Major Donors:

  • Christine Ortega
  • Dr. Richard Jiménez
  • David Laughlin and Virginia Diaz-Laughlin

And by:
The National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures (NALAC), the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Ford Foundation and the Surdna Foundation through a grant from the NALAC Fund for the Arts Grant Program

The Idea Fund, Houston, a re-granting program administered by DiverseWorks, Aurora Picture Show, and Project Row Houses and funded by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts


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16 thoughts on “Truly Texas Mexican, The Movie”

  • I watched the movie in and it watch eye revealing to me.
    My family came from Donna, Texas. I wa the only 1 out of 9 that was born I. Visalia, California.
    Through my mother and abuelitas and d my abuelo, I learned a lot about my family heritage and how foods were cooked.
    Thank you sharing all this knowledge that I never knew about.
    Looking forward for a for a new movie. Soo !

  • I grew up in Mathis and this film hit home for me. The scene “Mexican food made by white people only” really bothered me. My family is almost entirely Irish but we have been in Texas since before 1860. No other place is home. It is our culture. The denial of who you are because of “social norms” is one of the biggest tragedies of modern life.

  • Hi, Lino. Thank you for writing, and am glad that you liked the movie. Laredo should be in the movie because Laredo is an important place of heritage and memory and continues to be central to the story of the Mexican American community of south Texas and northeastern Mexico. I was sorry that we could not include it because of the time constraints. We are planning a follow-up series and Laredo will definitely be included, as it should be.

  • I liked your movie very informative and knowledgeable on our heritage. I just have one question, why wasn’t Laredo Texas mentioned. We also have the same heritage. We also have the barbacoa from pozo, nopalitos, and other foods of like.

  • I loved this so much. I am Eastern European, but this documentary touched me deeply in ways I can’t even express. At times I was in tears. I wanted it to go on and on and felt very connected to what was portrayed.. Thank you for making this available to everyone. I hope to see more of your wonderful work.

  • I thank you for putting this documentary together. It has saddened me for some time now, that what we used to eat and enjoy in our younger years is slowly dying. I moved from my home town, El Paso, in my twenties and am now getting back to eating more of what I remember. I remember the mesquite, the cactus, barbacoa, squash, etc. That is why, for the most part I don’t eat out at tex-mex restuarants. Thank you, though, for memories and encouragement to keep our real foods alive! Thank you to all who participated in the making of this program!! Mrs Irma Ozuna J.

  • Mr. Medrano
    Words can’t express the joy and pride that filled my heart watching your show. At a mere 43 years young My generation, I believe, is that unique group that represents our culture’s best shot at anchoring our traditions. As a group we are torn between assimilation and the preservation of our identity. I’ve chosen the latter. Thank you for reminding us all of who we are and how strong our ties to this area are. On a personal level, I am humbled.. On a professional level, I am grateful.

  • The older I get, I wrap my culture around me tighter. Gracias. Loved it!

  • Hi, Jerry. Thanks for asking that. A lot of our community does in fact NOT have access to Internet and so that’s why we are also airing the movie on PBS stations, over-the-air broadcasts. Although we don’t have any dvd’s, unfortunately, you will be able to download the movie once you purchase it. You can do that on Amazon and I think on the other platforms as well. So I suggest that after you buy it you download it and then you can share it physically either with a thumb drive or laptop or you can burn a blank DVD. I hope this helps. Sorry that the distribution is not by dvd. Let me know if this helps.

  • I was wondering if there’s a DVD for sale of the truly Texas Mexicans my mother does not have Internet and she would prefer a DVD if it’s available thank you for your prompt attention

  • My husband and I are Hispanics from Brownsville and Harlingen. Thank you for this film. Gives us great pride in the food and meals prepared by our abuelas and our mama’s. Could you tell me please the name of the printing business in Harlingen. I loved her images! Is there a catalog of her work? Thank you. Looking forward to more works from you along this genre.

  • Disregard my previous comment. I could not find it on the Amazon Prime app but found it on the Amazon app.

  • The picture says it premieres 3/1, which is today, but I can’t find it on Amazon video. The words say it premieres 3/21. Not sure, yet, what’s going on but it may be that the picture is just wrong and we’ll have to wait until 3/21.

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