Tofu Salad Dressing for Jícama, Betabel, Persimmon

Tofu Salad Dressing for Jícama, Betabel, Persimmon

This tofu salad dressing is tart, complex and a great dressing for this cup made of winter root vegetables and the yuzu persimmon that’s harvested in the fall.  Don’t confuse this delicious and nutritious cup with the Waldorf salad which some told me it resembles. Nope, no mayonnaise here, not sweet. This is savory, with a bare nod to sweetness from the persimmon. This is an example of “delicious = healthy.”

Beets and Jícama with Yuzu Persimmon
Beets and Jícama with Yuzu Persimmon

I made the dressing based on a memory of when I lived in Atlanta and used to frequent vegan restaurants, one of them served a tofu tamari dressing I found absolutely delicious. Tofu adds the creaminess with no mayo at all, no cheese nor cream. You can put this dressing on any salad or combination of vegetables and you’ll find it delicious.

Recipe for Tofu Salad Dressing

Ingredients (makes 1 1/2 cups)
2 Tbs minced onion
1 garlic clove
1/4 tsp dried basil
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup tamari or soy sauce
1/2 lb. cumbled tofu

Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until the dressing completely smooth and creamy.  Depending on the type of blender you have, this may take several minutes.

Recipe for Betabel, Jícama, Persimmon Cup

Ingredients (serves 4)

Jícama sliced into 3/4" batonettes
Jícama sliced into 3/4″ batonettes

2 large red beets
1 tsp apple cider  or other vinegar
1 small  jícama
2 yuzu persimmons (don’t use hachiya persimmons which are very soft. The yuzu will be firm)
6 Tbs walnut pieces
salad leaves for arranging on plate

1.  Cover the beets with water, add the vinegar and bring to a boil.  Let them simmer for 45 minutes to an hour until they are tender when pierced with a fork or toothpick. Let them cool and peel off the skin.  Cut them into 1/2″ dice.
2.  Peel the persimmons and cut them into 1/2″dice.
3. Peel the jícama using a knife and make 1/8″ slices, then cut them to make 1/8″ sticks.  Cut the sticks into 3/4″ little batons.
4. Place the beet and persimmon dice in a bowl and add about 1/2 cup tofu salad dressing, enough to cover completely. Add a little more as necessary.

Spoon the beets, jicama and persimmon onto four plates or cups that have been lined with salad leaves. Sprinkle the walnut pieces on top and serve either room temperature or chilled.




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