Fried Chile De Arbol Salsa

Fried Chile De Arbol Salsa

The variations are many for developing flavor in chiles for adobos, moles or salsas.
fried chile de arbol

In this salsa, the flavor of the Chile De Arbol is deepened by frying it together with onion and garlic. When it is served, the black flecks in the salsa make it look earthy, and I even detect some smokiness in the flavor.

Recipe: (makes 2 cups)

2 Chile de Arbol
1/4 tsp salt
2 Tbs white onion, diced
1 Garlic clove
1 Tbs Canola or vegetable oil
4 roma tomatoes, canned or fresh, roughly cut up

1.Heat the oil in a skillet, add the chile de arbol, onion and garlic and fry them until the chile darkens in color and the onions are soft, about 3-4 minutes. Remove from the skillet and set aside to cool.
2. Add the tomaotes to the same skillet and cook for 4 minutes on medium heat. Remove and set aside to cool.
3. When the ingredients are cool, place them in a blender and blend until you have a smooth purée. There will still be some small flecks of fried chile, adding nice texture and color to the salsa.

This is the type of salsa that you’ll want to add to egg tacos, potatoes, beef casseroles and any type of grilled fish or meats.  Make a batch and keep it handy in the fridge.  It will keep for 7 days.  ¡Buen Provecho!


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2 thoughts on “Fried Chile De Arbol Salsa”

  • sorry ’bout that. I’ll fix that. 1 clove. I appreciate your comments. please do start cooking some and send me feedback.

  • Adan, you don’t list the garlic in your recipe. About a clove? You have inspired me to see if I can grow chile de arbol here–I miss the flavor.

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