Tag: Recipe

Pissaladière, a French onion tart

Pissaladière, a French onion tart

This french onion tart is a must just plain delicious.Though the French lost out to the Spaniards in their efforts of empire-building in Texas, we nonetheless enjoy their lasting influence on our cuisine.  Our traditional wheat roll, bolillo, is French, as is of course the […]

Mexican Salad – Ensalada de Bodas

Mexican Salad – Ensalada de Bodas

 This Mexican Salad, Ensalada de Bodas, has the beautiful flavor and aroma of Serrano (probably my favorite chile flavor) enveloping the tang of cabbage and radishes.  Surprised that the vinaigrette has rice vinegar? Think about the Asian influence in that region.  The Mexican salad is […]

Refried Beans and Texas Mexican Rice

Refried Beans and Texas Mexican Rice

The term, “refried beans” is a misnomer.  The correct translation of the Spanish, “frijoles refritos,” is “well fried beans.”  No fat required. Properly cooked beans and rice are a delicious meal.They’re also complete, nutritious protein. The recipes below rely on basic, straightforward technique. It’s the […]