Spread Love & Happiness with Cooking! — 2 Holiday Gift Cookbooks

My holiday gift suggestion is one or both of these award-winning cookbooks, now holiday discounted at bookstores and online retailers.
For experienced cooks and also beginners, these step-by step recipes guarantee the best flavors and eye-popping presentations for every occasion, all year long.
The recipes, both traditional & innovative, represent the best of Texas Mexican cuisine — the Comida Casera, home-style cooking, of Texas Mexican American families. Both cookbooks tell the moving stories connected to our food, to our history in Texas and northeastern Mexico. Ingredients feature ancient ingredients that reveal heritage and rootedness on this land.

“Don’t Count The Tortillas: The Art of Texas Mexican Cooking”
—Food as Art—
–The Art of Cooking holds our Memories, impacts Identity, and strengthens Community
Tacos Al Pastor
Capirotada Con Ajo y Comino
Calabacita Con Puerco
Bisonte Con Moras | Bison with Mulberries
Brussels Sprouts with Serrano Chile
Chile Con Queso Soufflé
Hoja Santa Salad
Cactus Salad
The Original Nacho’s Special
Tamales De Dulce
Tortilla Soup
Qusadillas, Queso Fundido and DOZENS more recipes!

“Truly Texas Mexican: A Native Culinary Heritage In Recipes,” with over 100 Recipes, tells the story of the ingredients, techniques, and hospitality of the First People of Texas, ancestors of today’s Texas Mexican American community.
Tamales for Christmas,
Buñuelos for New Year,
Capirotada for Lent and cherished everyday dishes that make memories
Huevos Rancheros,
Carne Guisada,
Puerco en chile colorado,
Chorizo, using chile ancho, cinnamon, vinegar,
Caldo de res
Agua de jamaica
…..and DOZENS of others recipes.