We will be serving/performing this meal at the Aurora Picture Show while above the diners, on a giant screen, art videos by Chicano filmmakers will play. The art show explores how films and food share texture, pacing, history, and how they perform similar aesthetic functions dealing with identity, remembering and community (March 28).

“An Evening of Texas Mexican Food, Film and Meaning”
At the Aurora Picture Show with Adán Medrano
Chef’s Tasting Viewing Menu
La Bienvenida (Welcome):Trucha Ahumada Con Mayonesa de Chipotle-Yerbaníz
(Pecan-smoked trout with Chipotle-Yerbaníz Mayonnaise)
Scene 1: ◊◊◊
Gorditas de Camarón y Nopalitos
(Texas Cactus and Gulf Coast Shrimp Canapé)
Gorditas de Frijoles Refritos y Queso
(Well-Fried Pinto Beans and Mexican Cheese Canapé)
FILM: “Yo Trabajo La Tierra” Adán Medrano 13 minutes
Scene 2: ◊◊◊
Texas Mexican Crab Cocktail
Pecan-smoked Pork Loin with Chile Ancho Adobo
Albóndigas de Chile Chipotle
(Pickled Chile Chipotle Meatballs)
FILM: “Detritus” Willie Varela 12 minutes
Scene 3: ◊◊◊
Carne Guisada con Papas
(Green Chile Beef with Potatoes)
Puerco en Chile Rojo
(Pork in Dried Red Chiles)
FILMS: “Enlight Tents” Laura Varela & Vaago Weiland 4 minutes
“Have You Seen Marié?” Ray Santisteban 6 minutes
La Despedida (Farewell):
(Aromatic Pork Empanadas)
(Cinnamon Rounds)
Hola, Rick! Thanks very much. Two of my chef friends are flying in to help staff the kitchen that night. Kevin Babbit from San Antonio and Todd Martin from Nashville understand this food, have prepared it before, and are also super excited about participating. We went to culinary school together. I wish could share the experience w/you,,,,but Maybe..another time!
Parese que la noche va ser muy sabroso en cada sentido! Dale un buen abrazo a Willie por mi! Buena suerte!
Rick Hernandez