site for young adult Catholics

A friend recommended I visit this site which offers info about the Catholic faith for young adults. Busted Halo says it is geared to “seekers” and is another example of information packaged in attractive ways.
There’s a section where you can ask a question and the site says that everybody will get a response. I would think that this section would get a lot of hits. Here’s one of the answers to the question about hopelessness as a sin.
“We rarely speak of demons in our time, but maybe in our world the demon involved would be egotistical selfishness, and the blasphemy would be maintaining that there is not generosity or kindness present or possible in the world–everyone must look out for his or herself at the expense of others. Or it could be power or wealth or anything that consumes a person and leads him or her 100% away from God.”
I think that’s nicely stated. To my liking, the next step would be to link this idea to the happenings in Iraq and that over 50% of the electorate chose Bush to continue leading us down this path. ……Can’t lose hope I keep telling myself.

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