Eloisa Chouhy

I can now tell you about the death of my most dear, long-time friend, Eloisa Chouy. On March 12 her heart failed.
To friends who read this public statement, I do it to recognize her work as a courageous leader in religious education. It is not easy to work under a military dictatorship as she did in the ’70’s. It is not easy to work in an alienating male-dominated church. She designed and directed adult catechesis in Uruguay on nights and weekends as a non-paid volunteer. Her day job was as an English language instructor and translator.
After receiving her graduate degree in catechesis at the Institute Catholique in Paris she developed creative methods and courses for adults. She coauthored many catecheticalbooks and produced six video productions that are used widely throughout Latin America, including Cuba. She was visiting Texas this last February, writing the script and designing the architecture for an interactive CD-ROM.
Eloisa was the creator of the pioneering website, Luz y Alegria, (Light and Happiness) and changed the way that adult catechesis is practiced on the Latin American continent. She made catechesis real for people, none of that other-world pious pablum here. This is because she was real, strong and loving.

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3 thoughts on “Eloisa Chouhy”

  • Hola Adán , espero te encuentres muy bien, acabo de ver tu respuesta increíblemente tantos años después , volví a leer tus maravillosas palabras hacia Elo que siempre me emocionan en el mismo grado no importa cuánto tiempo pase!!! Me encantaría encontrarte alguna vez por aquí y juntarnos a conversar de estos seres maravillosos que compartimos en nuestros caminos, un placer siempre saber de ti, avisá si llegas a andar x aquí, te paso mi correo ya que por este medio las noticias llegan con retraso!! Gcarrera78@hotmail.com. abrazo fuerte!!

  • Hola, Gabriela! Que grandísimo gusto saber de tí! Comparto plenamente tu sentimiento. Eloisa le hecho mucho de menos…fuimos amigos por mas de 25 años y es una gran persona. Lo mismo Roberto.
    Quizás algún día nos encontremos en Montevideo. Un fuerte abrazo caluroso. Adán

  • Hello Adán,
    I’m Gabriela eloisa’s niece, goddaughter and overall friend. I still miss her so much that today I googled her name wishing to find something that could make me feel as if she talked to me again, and I found your blog full of such nice words about her. It made me feel really happy. Elo’s death was the worst experience I’ve ever gone through, and I will never forget it. Thank you for your nice words and love to her.
    She and Roberto will always live in my heart.

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