April 10 March for Immigration Rights

I plan to be here in Houston on April 10, marching. What I find awesome about the massive demonstrations is the spontaneity, the diffused organization. Although local long-time activists are helping to organize the march, there is no predicting the life of this barrio natural anger and power. The marches are about family ties that are beyond borders, solidarity that can cut through red tape, enthusiasm that “feels” a more just society.
I’ve long lamented the bureacrat type of leadership that is too prevalant in our community. Too many Latinos (certainly not all) seek visibility and prominence, the comforts of the bureau. The exclusive emphasis on papers and policy over fiesta and community. The great possibility that I see now is new, young leadership. A leadership that is natural and grounded in the feeling of the community, not just in short term tactics. Dolores Huerta is the model. She accomplishes, but with lasting depth. As an advocate for immigrant workers rights, Dolores has been arrested twenty-two times for non-violent peaceful union activities. These symbolic acts are also celebratory. That’s their power to inspire. Eva Longoria (Desperate Housewives)is fundraising to help Dolores Huerta. That’s serious fun.

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